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We Want Him Held Accountable: Trump Lied and 300,000 Died

A timeline of Trump’s lies, ignorance, and vainglory amidst the worst crisis in a century

Nicolas Carteron


December 2020, over 300,000 Americans have died from COVID-19, more than in WWI, Korea, Vietnam, and all other American wars combined (excluding WWII and the Civil War). Trump’s responsibility in this failure is obvious to all but himself: New York Times, The Atlantic, Bloomberg, WaPo, USA Today, Nature, Vox, The Guardian.

Trump has always denied the importance of the pandemic, downplaying its human and economic impacts. Even more, a report published on December 16 showed that a Trump appointee demanded ‘herd immunity’ strategy in an email, writing: “We want them infected.”

Lest we ever forget his criminally negligent behaviour in a time of national crisis, here is a timeline of Trump’s lies and misrepresentations since January 2020.

“It’s under control.”

Since January, even before the first American death, Trump has been insisting that the pandemic was “totally under control.” He reiterated this claim that the virus was under control in March, June, July, August, and in September when he stated that Covid affects “virtually nobody.



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