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The GOP Is Taking the US Down an Unspeakable Path
If the impeachment debates didn’t scare you, you haven’t been paying attention.
Something scary happened on the floor of the House chamber on Wednesday, January 13th, 2021. Some may have noticed it, but I haven’t seen this reported anywhere. It has to do with the GOP members' shared rhetoric during the debates preceding the vote on Donald J. Trump’s second impeachment.
Each representative was yielded between 30 to 60 seconds, which means they had to carefully choose their words. They didn’t have time for grandiose eloquence. They also didn’t care about debating the issue. As hypocritical as they are, they aren’t stupid (at least not all of them). They know full well there is nothing to debate. They chose to hammer one talking point instead over and over: BLM, Antifa, and the radical left are one coherent entity.
The GOP has long abandoned any policy platform. They stand for nothing but high-minded, poorly defined, dog-whistle principles: pro-life, pro-guns, pro-freedom, own-the-libs. Slogans have replaced ideas. They have abandoned dialectical reasoning altogether, focusing instead on inciting hatred and framing their political adversaries as enemies. They are creating a bogeyman their voter base can hate and despise.